The below Japanese grammar guide assumes no prior knowledge of the language beyond the Japanese syllabary—hiragana and katakana. Trace sheets to help you learn the syllables can be found in the links below.
Beginner Grammar
The Foundations
For the first few sections of this grammar guide I will space out the Japanese sentences to make the grammar easier to see and comprehend, but remember that true Japanese sentences do not use spaces.
- A Language of Particles
- The Topic Particle & State of Being
- Basic Verb Conjugations
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Modifying Nouns with Verbs & Adjectives
- The Number System
- Counters
Core Particles
Particles are the building blocks of Japanese grammar helping us define the role of each word in the sentence.
- The Possessive Particle【の】
- The Object Particle【を】
- The Target Particle【に】
- The Contextual Particle【で】
- The Connecting Particle【と】
- The Inclusive Particle【も】
- The Question Particle【か】
- Revisiting the Topic Particle【は】
- The Subject Particle【が】
Other Basic Particles
- From & Until【から、まで、までに】
- Partial Lists【や、など、とか】
- The Directional Particle【へ】
- Ending Particles【よ、ね、よね】
- Particle Combinations【への、での、との】
Building up Sentences
This section is designed to help you begin to form more complex Japanese sentences. Grammatically, the ability to embed questions and nominalise verbs are absolutely critical. Note that from hereon I will no longer space out words in the sentences (but will always put the furigana above the kanji).
- Embedding Questions
- Expressing Quantities【だけ、しか〜ない、も〜ない、も〜ある】
- Phrasal Verbs
- Frequency & Periods
- Comparisons within a Group【〜の中では、〜が一番〜】
- Adverbs with Suru & Naru
- Movement Towards an Action
- Nominalising Verbs【こと】
Verb Conjugations I
In Japanese, the conjugation of the verb contains a lot of information and, in many instances, determines the grammatical structure of the sentence. For example, in English we can make expressions such as “I can eat”, “I want to eat”, and “Let’s eat” by keeping the verb (“eat”) untouched and adding other words to the sentence. This is not the case in Japanese—we form these sentences by changing the conjugation of the verb.
- The Potential【できる】
- Want【〜たい】
- The Volitional【〜よう】
Essential Conjunctions
Conjunctions let us join sentences and move from one clause statements to more complex structures. Below we cover the basic conjunctions (because, but, or, etc.) but the one that causes the most headaches is the Japanese equivalent of “and”. This is because, in many cases, Japanese doesn’t have a separate word or particle for this conjunction. To form this conjunction we first need to understand the “te form”—one of the most important and versatile conjugations in the language.
- The te Form
- Listing Actions & Descriptions【〜たり】
- Because【から、ので】
- But【が、けど】
- Or【か】
- Before【前】
- After【後、〜てから】
- Despite【のに】
A complete guide to conditionals in Japanese.
More Complex Structures
Talking About Reasons
Talking About Time-Specific Actions
- When【とき】
- とき versus 〜たら
- A Point in Time【ところ】
- Just Finished Doing Something【〜たばかり】
- Just Finished: 〜たばかり vs 〜たところ
- Simultaneous Actions【〜ながら、間に】
- While【うち】
- As Soon As【が早いか、途端に、や否や、そばから】
Describing Things
- Expressing a Way or Method【〜方】
- Too Much【すぎる】
- Easy & Hard【〜やすい、〜にくい】
- Changing Nouns to Adjectives【的】
- Other’s Desires【〜がる】
Comparisons & Making Suggestions
- About or Approximately【くらい】
- Making Suggestions【より、〜たほうが】
- As Much As【ほど】
Similarity & Hearsay
- Similarity & Hearsay in Japanese
- Similarity【よう、みたい】
- Expected Outcomes【〜そう】
- Hearsay & Behaviour【そう、らしい】
- Unwanted Similarity【っぽい】
- Comparing the Ways to Express Similarity & Hearsay
Other Key Structures
- Supposition【だろう】
- Possibility【かもしれない】
- Changing States【ように】
- Decisions【ことにする】
- As Much As Possible【できるだけ】
- Except【以外】
Additional Uses of the te Form
- Trying【〜てみる、〜ようとする】
- Must & Must Not【〜なくてはいけない、〜てはいけない】
- State of Completion【〜てある】
- Preparing in Advance【〜ておく】
- Regret at an Action【〜てしまう】
- Actions From & Towards【〜てもらう、〜てくれる、〜てあげる、〜てやる】
Verb Conjugations II
- The Passive【される】
- The Causative【させる】
- The Causative-Passive【させられる】
- The Imperative【しろ、せよ】
Intermediate Grammar
A complete introduction to honorifics.
Verbs that Act on Sentence Topics
The meanings of the following structures are varied, but because in many cases they act on the first noun of the sentence the usage difference can become blurred.
- Place of Action【において】
- Dependency【によって】
- Adding Perspective: As【として】
- Speaking Objectively【にしては、わりには】
Suggestions & Rules
- The Strong Suggestion【べき、べし】
- What Should Be【ことになっている】
Expressing Conclusions
Inevitability & Obligation
- Nothing Else to Do【しかない】
Must & Must Not
The below are more formal ways to express must and must not.
- The Double Negative【〜ざるを得ない】
- No Way【はずがない、わけがない】
- Not Worth Trying【〜ようがない】
- Covered in Something【だらけ、まみれ、ずくめ】
- ばかり vs だらけ
- Negative Tendency【〜がち】
- Nothing But【ばかり、〜てばかり】
- Expressing Disbelief【なんて、なんか】
- Just the Very Thing【こそ、からこそ】
- Constant States【〜っぱなし、まま】
- The Classical Negative【〜ず】
- If I Only Had【さえ〜あれば】
- The Caveat【といっても】
- More and More【〜ば〜ほど】