The te form is without doubt one of the most used and important conjugations in Japanese grammar. Unfailingly, you will hear it used in just about every conversation. It is probably the single piece of grammar that lets you move from speaking in short, separate sentences to being able to expressing yourself fluidly in clauses.
Because the te form is essentially a conjunctive form of the verb or adjective we only have two tenses—affirmative and negative. The tense of the final verb determines the tense of the sentence. This distinction of positive and negative is better understood through an example.
With the grammar we have learnt thus far we can say:
I ate breakfast. I went to work.
In this case we would use the te form on the verb to eat to join the sentence and say, “I ate breakfast and then went to work”. Now either you ate and then went to work or didn’t eat and then went to work—there are only two options.
The Basics
Before we jump into the (many) different usages of the te form, let’s look at how you form it. Both verbs and adjectives have te forms. Let’s start with verbs.
Conjugating to the affirmative te form is very easy once you know the standard simple past tense for each verb. All we need to do is replace the final syllable of the past tense like so:
- Verbs with the standard past tense ending in た ⇒ て
- Verbs with the standard past tense ending in だ ⇒ で
Verb | Group | Dictionary | Simple Past | te Form |
to go | 1 | 行く | 行った | 行って |
to read | 1 | 読む | 読んだ | 読んで |
to leave | 2 | 出る | 出た | 出て |
to do | 3 | する | した | して |
to come | 3 | 来る | 来た | 来て |
There are two forms of the negative for verbs—the appropriate form depending on the usage.
Naide (ないで)
We take the standard negative form and add で at the end.
Verb | Group | Dictionary | Negative | Naide |
to go | 1 | 行く | 行かない | 行かないで |
to read | 1 | 読む | 読まない | 読まないで |
to leave | 2 | 出る | 出ない | 出ないで |
to do | 3 | する | しない | しないで |
to come | 3 | 来る | 来ない | 来ないで |
Nakute (なくて)
We take the negative form of the verb and replace the い with くて.
Verb | Group | Dictionary | Negative | Nakute |
to go | 1 | 行く | 行かない | 行かなくて |
to read | 1 | 読む | 読まない | 読まなくて |
to leave | 2 | 出る | 出ない | 出なくて |
to do | 3 | する | しない | しなくて |
to come | 3 | 来る | 来ない | 来なくて |
For i-adjectives we change the い into a くて. For na-adjectives we add で (the te form of the auxiliary verb).
Adjective | Dictionary | Te Form |
Cheap | 安い | 安くて |
Famous | 有名 | 有名で |
For i-adjectives we take the negative form and change the ない into なくて. For na-adjectives we change to the negative form of the auxiliary verb.
Adjective | Negative | Te Form |
Cheap | 安くない | 安くなくて |
Famous | 有名ではない | 有名ではなくて |
Note that for the na-adjective we are just using the なくて form of the auxiliary verb.
As mentioned above, the te form has many different usages but the big five are as follows:
- Creating a simple command for someone to do something
- Creating a simple conjunction (“I did A and then did B”)
- Forming the present participle (“I am eating a cake”)
- Expressing a means or a reason (“I argued with my friend and now we’re not speaking to each other”)
- Asking permission to do something (“May I sit here?”)
1. A Simple Command
On its own, the te form creates a request or order for someone else to do something.
映画館に行って。 |
Go to the cinema. |
日本語を勉強して。 |
Study Japanese. |
However, you rarely ever hear the te form used in this way—it is too direct and it is more natural in Japanese to opt for indirect expressions, especially when a request is being made. Most commonly, you will hear the te form used with ください (“please”).
薬を飲んでください。 |
Please take the medicine. |
Note: In Japanese, you “drink” medicine.
仕事をしてください。 |
Please do your work. |
In fact, ください is an archaic conjugation of the honorific verb くださる which means “to deign”. Essentially, the phrase is asking the other person to deign to do something. It is used all the time and it is perfectly fine to remember it as as phrase that means “please do x”.
For the negative we need the ないで form.
このボタンを押さないでください。 |
Please don’t press the button. |
コンピューターで遊ばないでください。 |
Please don’t play on the computer. |
2. Using the te Form as a Simple Conjunction
One of the most core functions of the te form is to express sequential order and join clauses, essentially creating the meaning of “and” in Japanese.
Take the following as an example:
今日は高校の友達と会いました。新宿で一緒にランチしました。 |
Today I met a high school friend. We had lunch together in Shinjuku. |
This would sound far more better as two clauses rather than individual sentences. We can join them using the te form of the verb “to meet”.
今日は高校の友達と会って、新宿で一緒にランチしました。 |
Today I met a high school friend and we had lunch together in Shinjuku. |
Firstly, note that the te form also dictates the chronological order of events—first you met your friend then you had lunch. Secondly, note that the tense of the entire sentence is determined only by the final verb. In English, for each individual clause in the sentence we need to adjust the tense of the verb accordingly.
私は仕事に行って、友達と食事をしました。 |
I went to work and then had dinner with a friend. |
私は仕事に行って、友達と食事をします。 |
I will go to work and then have dinner with a friend. |
Nor are we limited to using the te form only once. Overuse, however, sounds just as unnatural in Japanese as it does in English.
今日は起きて、学校に行って、授業を受けて、家に帰りました。 |
Today, I woke up, then I went to school, then I took a class, then I went home. |
Using the te form of the verb “to hold” with the verbs “to go” and “to come” we can create the verbs “to take” and “to bring”.
雨が降ります。傘を持って行ってください。 |
It will rain. Please take your umbrella. |
ビールを持ってきました。 |
I brought beer. |
For a negative sentence we must use the ないで form.
朝ご飯を食べないで会社に来ました。 |
I came to work without eating breakfast. |
宿題を忘れないで学校に来てください。 |
Please come to school without forgetting your homework. |
Finally, let’s not forget about the auxiliary verb because that let’s just join clauses ending in nouns.
沙織は新しい会社員で、明日から働きます。 |
Saori is new employee of the company and will work from tomorrow. |
和田さんは先生じゃなくて、学生ですよ。 |
Wada-san isn’t a teacher—he’s a student. |
Remember that we can change では to じゃ.
The te form with adjectives lets us turn…
彼女はきれいです。彼女はやさしいです。 |
She is pretty. She is kind. |
… into…
彼女はきれいで、やさしいです。 |
She is pretty and kind. |
和田さんは体が大きくて、顔が円いです。 |
Wada-san is large with a round face. |
3. Forming the Present Participle
So far we’re able to say, “I eat”, “I won’t eat”, “I ate”, and “I didn’t eat” but we can’t yet express the current state of “eating”. In fact, we’ve already learned it—we just need to combine the te form of the verb with the verb “to exist”!
勉強している。 |
I’m studying. |
I study and then I exist… so I’m studying! We already know the conjugation for the verb いる (group 2) and so saying “I am not studying”, “I was studying” and “I wasn’t studying” is easy.
今、全然運動していません。 |
I’m not exercising at all at the moment. |
まだレポートを提出していない。 |
I’ve not yet submitted the report. |
You will see the combination of まだ and the negative present participle often. まだ means until “yet” and is used with the negative present participle. The phrase is very likely to appear in the N5 JLPT examination.
彼女はまだ着いていません。 |
She’s not arrived yet. |
最近、何をしていましたか。 |
What have you been doing recently? |
4. Expressing A Means or a Reason
The te form can also be used to express a means or reason for a subsequent action or event.
With positive sentences the difference in grammatical usage between expressing sequential order and expressing a means or reason can be a little ambiguous.
朝寝坊して、会社に遅刻しました。 |
I overslept and was late for work. |
昨日、酔っ払って、財布をなくしましたよ。 |
Yesterday, I got drunk and lost my wallet! |
自転車に乗って、仕事に行きました。 |
I rode my bicycle to work. |
The difference becomes clearer with intransitive verbs.
電車が遅れて、飛行機に乗れませんでした。 |
The train was delayed and so I couldn’t board my flight. |
It is clear that we are expressing a reason when we use the negative as we must use the なくて form.
ごめんなさい!電波がなくて、電話できませんでした。 |
Sorry! I didn’t have any signal so I couldn’t call. |
飛行機に間に合わなくて、旅行に行けませんでした。 |
I didn’t make it on time for the plane and so I couldn’t go on holiday. |
Two common “phrases” are to use the te form with よかった and すみません (this structure may come up in JLPT N4) to express gladness or regret at an action.
電話してよかったです。 |
It’s a good job I called you. |
会議に遅れてすみません。 |
Sorry I was late for the meeting. |
Incidentally, when I introduced the で particle, I explained that one of its usages is to express a reason. It was in fact the te form of the auxiliary verb that was being used not the で particle—a technicality given that they are identical, but one which is worth noting.
There is no chronological sequence of actions for adjectives so in the below sentences it is clear the te form is being used to give a means or a reason.
仕事が忙しくて、ランチを食べる時間がありません。 |
I’m so busy with work I don’t have time to eat lunch. |
裕輔は納豆が好きで、よく食べます。 |
Yusuke likes natto and so he often eats it. |
靴が安くて、買いました。 |
The shoes were cheap so I bought them. |
It’s worth spending a minute thinking about the different meaning of the above example sentence and the following:
安い靴を買いました。 |
I bought cheap shoes. |
The latter sentence is factual and doesn’t tell us anything about why you bought the shoes; whereas the former sentence suggests that if the shoes had been expensive you might not have bought them.
図書館が静かで、好きです。 |
I like the library because it’s quiet. |
5. Asking Permission
Used with も the te form can create the expression “even if” (as in, “even if it is expensive I will buy it”). Take a look at these two sentences:
いっぱい食べて、太りません。 |
I will eat lots and not get fat. |
いっぱい食べても、太りません。 |
Even if I eat lots, I will not get fat. |
The simple introduction of も in the second sentence changes the meaning completely. Very often learners are introduced to this structure as a set phrase to ask permission to do something.
電話してもいいですか。 |
May I make a phone call? |
Literally, you’re asking, “Even if I make a phone call, is that good?”
こちらでタバコを吸っても大丈夫ですか。 |
Is it okay if I smoke here? |
The two phrases below will almost certainly appear on the JLPT. Both mean, “Is it okay if I…?”
〜してもいいですか? |
〜しても大丈夫ですか? |
大丈夫 might just be the most common word in the Japanese language. 大 means “big” and 丈夫 means “robust” but together they create the most common way of saying, “Nothing wrong” or “No problem”.
For the auxiliary verb the same phrase becomes でも: the te form of the auxiliary verb with the addition of も.
ビールがありません。お茶でも大丈夫ですか? |
I don’t have any beer. Is green tea okay? |
The same structure can also be used with the negative.
〜しなくてもいいですか? |
〜しなくても大丈夫ですか? |
電話番号を書かなくても大丈夫ですか? |
Is it okay if I don’t write my telephone number? |
The negative is a little confusing. Logically you would expect to see も added to the ないで structure as this was the form required to join phrases or express sequential order, and the logic here is basically saying the same thing; namely, “even if I do not A, B will/will not happen”. Alas! For some reason to form the hypothetical with the negative we need the なくて form.
運動しなくても、太らない。 |
Even if I don’t exercise, I will not get fat. |
彼は頭がいいです。勉強しなくても、試験に合格します。 |
He’s clever. Even if he doesn’t study he will pass the exam. |
And we can apply the same grammar to adjectives.
試験が難しくても頑張ります。 |
Even if the exam is difficult I will do my best. |
このブランドの品質が悪くて、安くてもぜったい買わない。 |
The quality of this brand is poor so even if it’s cheap I definitely won’t buy it. |