Up next As Much As Possible Share article Facebook Twitter Mail WhatsApp Facebook Messenger Reddit ありがちな考え方。 A typical way of thinking. ありがちな誤解。 A common misconception. メンバーが大勢いると結論のない議論になりがちである。 xxxxx
More and More The structures introduced here lets us say things like “the cheaper the better” or “the higher you climb…
Unwanted Similarity: ~っぽい っぽい is typically used with adjectives and nouns to give your verdict on something based on how something…
Japanese Grammar, Vocabulary, Kanji Quizzes There are two types of quizzes below: (1) multiple choice and (2) free-form answers which require you to…
The Auxiliary Verb The usage のだ and んだ can be for: Expressing a reason or explanation Emphasis To express what should…