Gardens & Parks Nagasaki Peace Park A park in Nagasaki built in remembrance of the victims of the atomic bomb dropped on the city…
Viewing Decks Mount Inasa Observation Deck Observation deck on Mount Inasa that provides one of Japan’s best night views
Museums & Galleries Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum Museum in commemoration of those that died in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki
Historical Oura Catholic Church Oura Church (大浦天主堂, Ōura Tenshudō) is the oldest church in Japan. It was built in 1864 in memory of…
Historical Dutch Slope Stone-paved path leading to an area of Nagasaki where many foreigners lived from the latter half of the…
Nagasaki Spirit Boat Procession Bon Festival celebrations welcoming back ancestors from the spirit world
Nagasaki Peiron Championship The Nagasaki Peiron Championship (長崎ペーロン選手権大会) is thought to have been started in 1655 by the Chinese community in…
Nagasaki Kunchi Festival Nagasaki’s oldest festival is registered as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property.
Historical Hashima Island ("Battleship Island") Hashima Island (端島) is an abandoned island and former coal mine located about 15 kilometers from Nagasaki. It…
Nagasaki Lantern Festival Started by the Chinese community in Nagasaki to celebrate the Chinese New Year, this festival of lights has…
Nagasaki Tall Ships Festival The Nagasaki Tall Ships Festival (長崎帆船まつり, Nagasaki Hansen Matsuri) is one of a kind in Japan. It was…