The easiest way to say “as soon as A, B” with the grammar already introduced is to simply use the word ‘immediately’ (すぐに) with the conditional

When I do 〜 I immediately…
As soon as he’s finished eating he goes back to his room and watches television.

Here we introduce some more grammatically complicated ways of forming this expression.


はやいか can be used with both the present and past tense but usage with the present tense (as in the sentence above) is more common. The phrase is literary suggesting that you don’t know which action took place first they happened so quickly.

As soon as he’s finished eating he goes back to his room and watches television.
As soon as the bell rang the students shoved their textbooks into their bags and flew out of the classroom.
As soon as she gets back from holiday she’s on the internet searching for tourist destinations.
That singer is very popular. Her concert tickets are sold out the moment they go on sale.

Generally speaking, がはやい is probably used more often in writing but can occasionally be heard in conversation, as well.


~した途端とたんに means the moment A happened, B also happened. It is more colloquial than がはやいか and has the same meaning as ~した瞬間しゅんかんに (literally “at the moment”…). Grammatically, 途端とたんに requires the past tense.

The moment I lay down I fell into a deep sleep.
The moment the robber saw the police officer he started to run away.


~やいなや~ is identical to がはやいか but is only used in writing.

As soon as I lay down I fell asleep.


そばから has a slightly different nuance to the expressions above. This phrase is used to suggest a repeatable pattern: “whenever A happens, B happens”.

As soon as I learn a new kanji character I forget it. What should I do?
As soon as my child has eaten he starts crying that he’s hungry. I reckon he’s going to become a sumo wrestler.
The moment the money from my part-time job hits my account I spend it. I cannot save at all.
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