Tucked in behind the buildings of Yasukuni Dori, Hanazono Shrine is an Edo period shrine that acts as protector of the area. The Tori no Ichi Festival is held at the shrine every year in November.
Museum in Kabukicho with displays of the swords, matchlock guns, and armor used by the samurai over the different periods of Japanese history. You can also dress in samurai attire and have your photograph taken.
A small warren of yakitori and ramen restaurants located just north of Shinjuku Station which translates as “Memory Lane” but is more commonly known as “Piss Alley” in English.
Run-down rows of drinking alleys filled with dilapidated bars that has become icon of the Showa era. This places is not just for tourists: many Japanese musicians and celebrities also frequent the cubbyhole-sized establishments.