The structures introduced here lets us say things like “the cheaper the better” or “the higher you climb the colder it will get”. In fact, it is a combination of two pieces of grammar that we have already learnt: the conditional and ほど.

【Verb: 〜ば】【Verb: Dictionary】ほど
The more you drink the more drunk you’ll become.
The more you eat the fatter you will get.
The more the merrier.
The more you study Japanese the better your Japanese will become.
Note the omission of 勉強 for the second verb. The verb is obvious from the structure and so does not need to be repeated.
You cannot definitely say that the more money you have the happier you will be.

We can also apply the structure to adjectives.

【I-Adjective: 〜ば】【I-Adjective】ほど
The faster the better.

For simple sentences we can also omit the conditional.

The cheaper the better.
For sushi, the fresher the fish the better.
The more experience you have the more you’ll be able to deal with all sorts of issues.
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