Kite Market at Oji Inari Shrine III

Kite market (凧市) held on the Day of the Horse every February. The dates depending on the twelve…

Kite Market at Oji Inari Shrine II

Kite market (凧市) held on the Day of the Horse every February. The dates depending on the twelve…

Kite Market at Oji Inari Shrine I

Kite market (凧市) held on the Day of the Horse every February. The dates depending on the twelve…

Oji Fox Parade

The legend goes that foxes from all regions would gather under a large tree on New Year’s Eve…

Kita Hanabi Taikai

Love the idea of fireworks in the summer but hate the crowds? Tired of getting your hopes up…

Kyu-Furukawa Rose Festival

Annual rose festival at Kyu-Furukawa Gardens with about 100 varieties of flowers coming into bloom. The western-style mansion…

JCLI Japanese Language School

Tokyo Foreign Language Academy

JET Academy

Chuo College of Technology Japanese Language School

Asia Fellowship Society Foreign Language School