There are almost 200 open-air food stalls (屋台, yatai) throughout Fukuoka. Each one typically sits about 10 persons with the simple menus consisting of grilled chicken or meat skewers (yakitori), oden, and ramen (often the Hakata Ramen for which the city is also famous). Bunching up next to the locals over a beer is one of the best ways to experience the city.
The most well-known yatai spot is probably on the southern end of Nakasu Island—an 800-meter long piece of land that splits the Naka River. There are only about 20 yatai here, but they are nicely situated along the river bank. Prices for each dish ranges from 600 to 1,000 yen. Opening times vary, but 6pm until 1-2am in the morning is fairly standard, with most closed on Sundays.